Branded Entertainment Online berichtete bereits hin und wieder von Product Placement in Spielen, schließlich ist es ein immer interessanter werdendes Thema, denn es kann eine kaufkräftige, stetig wachsende Zielgruppe angesprochen und gezielt für ein Produkt geworben werden.
Englischer Abstract des Vortrages:
Product Placement – A convenient revenue stream for games?
To some extent product placement has already proven itself as a convenient additional income stream in various film formats and is being recognized by more and more gaming businesses as well as brand managers for its potential in delivering highly targeted marketing results. The reason for its attraction goes without saying: On the one hand the developer makes extra money without bothering the customers and on the other hand the advertiser can search for the perfect brand fit, thus helping him to sustainably increase brand awareness.
An introduction to current limits of the law, variations of brand integrations and latest research findings.
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