1 The Big Bang Theory (CBS)
2 Red Bull / Suburgatory (ABC)
3 Milton Bradley Twister / The Big Bang Theory (CBS)
4 Ferrari / Castle (ABC)
5 Subway / Chuck (NBC)
6 Wizards of the Coast Games Dungeons & Dragons / The Big Bang Theory (CBS)
7 Rolex / Pan Am (ABC)
8 Getränk / Two and a Half Men (CBS)
9 Hasbro Scrabble / Desperate Housewives (ABC,)
10 Hasbro Monopoly / Desperate Housewives (ABC)
Die Reihenfolge hat nielsen anhand der Höhe des Recall Index vorgenommen. Ausgewertet wurden Sendungen / Sitcoms die vom 1.1.2011 bis 30.11.11 ausgestrahlt wurden.
Recall Index: The Recall Score is the percentage of television viewers who can recall within 24 hours the brand/product of a branded integration they were exposed to during the normal course of viewing Dramas/Sitcoms. These scores are then indexed against the mean score for all integrations occurring in this genre during the time period (Recall Index). 100 equals average.
(Quelle: nielsen.com)