…. spricht mit BEO über seinen Vortag, über die großartige Kampagne auf Facebook und Instagram und wie kreativ man mit Social Media umgehen kann. Marken sollten Content “als Geschenk für ihre User betrachten”, so Myles Lord.
Pink Ribbon hatte Weltfrauentag, am 8. März, mit nackten Brüsten von rund 20 Frauen auf Facebook und Instagram für Furore gesorgt. Bei zu viel nackter Haut setzt dort üblicherweise die Zensur ein. Aber Pink Ribbon und DDB nahmen das bewußt in Kauf, um Frauen auf die Bedeutung der Brustkrebsvorsorge durch Abtasten hinzuweisen. Hier das Interview mit Myles Lord in englischer Sprache:
BEO: Your talk at Eurobest was about the breast cancer initiative and “Thinking inside the box“. What is special about it and how did it work?
Myles Lord: My speech was called “THINKING INSIDE THE BOX” because it spoke about the new opportunities and also the new restrictions of Social Media on Mobile. Sites like Facebook and Instagram have changed the rules for creativity quite a lot – for example; having a twist at the end of your film is over – films need to start with a bang so they stop you while scrolling through your feed. Films are also playing with the volume off until you ‘un-mute’ them – and this creates the need for strong visuals and ideas that work with the sound off. In my speech I examined a few DDB Social and Mobile cases from around the world that got peoples attention, got shared and became famous, and we examined why they worked and what the new formulas were.
Finally I did an in-depth case study on Pink Ribbon Campaign from our office DDB Berlin. The idea for Pink Ribbon “CHECK IT BEFORE IT’S REMOVED” leveraged the biggest social media restriction there is; censorship. Here I showed how the censorship and removal of breasts by social media moderators could be used to make a powerful point about breast cancer on women’s day. Many saw this censorship as unnecessary and unfair when you look at it from a gender-equality perspective; but in this case we made these restriction work toward something positive. We struck a nerve and so many women around the world stepped in to support the project and help spread the message – even though they broke the rules and community guidelines of Facebook and Instagram, risking being suspended or even banned from the platforms.
BEO: Can you help others in Europe to create such cases?
Myles Lord: The great thing about doing a social or charity project is the opportunity to experiment, learn and discover new ways and practises. In this case we got deeper into what works on social media and how to make things spread even though your social presence is rather shrinking than growing thanks to moderators and censorship! Its an honor when a festival like Eurobest invites you to give a presentation about how you did it and what you learned along the way – then perhaps these experiments can benefit even more people.
Creativity is powerful force and we can use it not just to sell products and change behavior but also to make a positive impact on our world. We hope that such initiatives would inspire other creatives, agencies and brands to use their creativity, Influence and strategic minds to help tackle the challenges we face in society. Obviously we still have to make money and run businesses, but as problem solvers with the gift of creativity if we can do more and see an opportunity to help; we should.
BEO: What would you recommend in terms of Branded Content and Branded Entertainment as most important?
Myles Lord: You have to ask the question “why would anyone care about this?” So many brands and agencies get it wrong, and make content that clients would enjoy. You have to find out what it is that people care about and give them more of it. Brands have to think of content as a “gift” that they give to their audience – something awesome that they love so much they want to share with others. I call it “the gift that keeps on giving.”
BEO: Can you tell anything about the atmosphere of Eurobest and how did you like it?
Myles Lord: I was only unfortunately there just briefly to speak. But from what I could see there was a very positive atmosphere and everyone seemed very engaged.
It was really great to see how many students and young professionals were there. Many festivals like Cannes are so expensive that only the top brass seem to get into the building. But Eurobest seemed to cater for the younger creative and people that would truly benefit most from the speakers and workshops.
We were also thrilled to see Pink Ribbon well received by the juries – we got 11 Golds and 5 silvers. We also received the Grand Prix for Good, which was really an honor as this is a category that you cannot enter and recipient is nominated by the Juries.
We also received recognition for our TV commercial for Sony Bravia, Print and Radio for Volkswagen and Our Refugee Initiative “Words of Welcome” so all in all Eurobest was a great Eurobest 2016 for DDB Berlin.
BEO: Thank you very much, Myles, for that interesting interview and for sharing your insights.
Zur Eurobest 2016 im Palazzo Barberini in Rom:
Das Thema für dieses Jahr war “the senses” (alle Sinne) und das Thema “multisensory branding” zog sich wie ein roter Faden durch das inhaltliche Programm.
Im Bereich Entertainment ging der Grand Prix an “Modern Essentials by Beckham for H&M“, von der Agentur adam&eveDDB, London – UK.
Fotos: Pink Ribbon, Eurobest
BEO-Autorin: Sandra Freisinger-Heinl